Sunday, March 4, 2012

One Year Old!

Look at how much this Sweetie has grown!  Such a precious little guy....

I've neglected this blog of of my goals is to try to post updates...and my cards that I love to create....(here's

Back to Landon....his Daddy is soon to deploy to Afghanistan...and he and his Mama are coming to stay with me while Daddy is away~  I'm so excited to be able to share this time with them....and take care of them.  I'll update....

Our daughter was married in October...and this was the Little Prince of the Wedding.  Landon was such a cute Ring Bearer!!

Also had to share my most recent card I made.   It was for  a Wounded Warrrior recovering at Walter Reed.


  1. I love your card, and I love what you made it for. What a cute little guy I bet you are going to have lots of fun with him.

  2. Thank you for your son-in-law's service and the sacrifice I know your whole family makes in support of him and his battle buddies.

    Also a thank you for popping over to my blog. It thrills me to have you reading along!


  3. Please send me an e-mail to so that I may share the cookie recipe you mentioned in your comment on my blog. :)

  4. What a beautiful child! The card you made is darling!

  5. What a sweet blog site. Thank you for visiting mine. Debbie Crews

  6. The pictures are absolutely wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing them, they sure brightened up my evening.

  7. Thank you again for checking in and leaving such a sweet comment on my blog. I know that I am not alone and I hope you know that my prayers and thoughts are also with you as your son is deployed (and always!)



  8. The card you made is beautiful, and i am sure a recovering soldier will appreciate the work put into it. :)

    That little guy is a doll! Enjoy the time with him and his mama!
